Archives of Acoustics, 31, 4(S), pp. 59-64, 2006

Applications of dispersed phase acoustics

H. Czyż
Rzeszów University of Technology, Chair of Physics, W. Pola 2, 35-959 Rzeszów

T. Markowski
Rzeszów University of Technology, Chair of Physics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, W. Pola 2, 35-959 Rzeszów

The problem of the influence of the acoustic field on dispersed phase in the fluid has been
studied in connection with application of acoustic coagulation for precipitation of gases. This
subject contains important aspects of the natural environment protection. This paper gives an
overview of the applications of dispersed phase acoustics, with particular emphasis on recent
developments, e.g. acoustic method of airport fog precipitation. This innovative technology is
based on the fact that water can be collected from fogs under the influence of acoustic waves.
This work presents the new results of the analysis of the action of the acoustic field on the
Keywords: acoustical field, dispersions (suspensions, aerosols), fog dispersal, acoustic coagulation and precipitation gases, the natural environment protection.
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