e-ISSN: 2300-262X, ISSN: 0137-5075

Vol 1, No 2 (1976)

Research Papers

Noise and structure of a gas jet at the choked outflow from a perforated disk PDF
Wiktor M. Jungowski, Witold C. Selerowicz 87-108
General conditions of phase cancellation in an acoustic field PDF
Michał Vogt 109-125
Psychoacoustical equivalents of tuning curves as determined by the post-stimulatory masking technique PDF
Antoni Jaroszewski, Andrzej Rakowski 127-136
Acoustical modelling of cleft palate PDF
Janusz Kacprowski, Władysław Mikiel, Alicja Szewczyk 137-158
Diffraction of light by acoustic waves in crystals PDF
Zygmutnt Kleszczewski, Marian Wojewoda 159-169


22ND Opened seminar on acoustics PDF
Zbigniew Żyszkowski 171-177