e-ISSN: 2300-262X, ISSN: 0137-5075

Vol 17, No 1 (1992)


Oswald Leroy - the h.c. doctor of the Gdańsk University PDF
S. Zachara 3-6

Research Papers

Distribution of phonation and pause durations in fluent speech and stutterers speech PDF
W. Kuniszyk-Jóźkowiak 7-16
Timbre, tone color, and sound quality: concepts and definitions PDF
T. Łętowski 17-30
Noise generated by a moving line source in a dissipative atmosphere PDF
R. Makarewicz 31-41
Acoustic relaxation near the isotropic liquid-nematic phase transition in the nematic phase in p-n-octyloxy p'cyanobiphenyl PDF
A. Drzymała, M. Cieślak, H. Herba, J. Michalski 43-50
Experimental restoration of ultrasonic tomograms by modified Wiener filtres J. Jan, Experimental restoration of ultrasonic tomograms by modified Wiener filtres PDF
J. Jan 51-66
The effect of structure and swelling of concrete on the frequency of acoustic emission signals PDF
W. Kołtoński W. Kołtoński 67-76
Investigation of nonlinear wave propagation in water PDF
E. Kozaczka, G. Grelowska 77-87
Ultrasonic waves in some biological suspensions and emulsions PDF
J. Lewandowski, 89-102
Wideband characterization of ultrasound transducers and materials using time delay spectrometry PDF
P. A. Lewin, M. A. Schafer 103-115
Design principles of transducers with matching layers based on admittance measurements PDF
G. Łypacewicz, E. Duriasz 117-132
Principles of phased-array imaging PDF
J. Somer 133-150
Novel surface-acoustic wave transducers PDF
R. C. Woods 151-165
Rigorous P-matrix for uniform NSPUDT PDF
E. Danicki 167-172
A method for measuring photopyroelectric spectra of dyes in a polymer pyroelectric matrix PDF
S. Łętowski, A. Sikorska 173-176
Structural and viscoelastic relaxation in glyceral solutions of alcali-metal walides PDF
M. Waciński, R. Płowiec 177-190
Acoustic emission accompanying stability loss of compressed rods PDF
Z. Kowal, J. Sendkowski 191-196