Archives of Acoustics,
31, 4(S), pp. 107-113, 2006
An application of Green’s function for acoustic radiation of a source located near the two wall corner
This paper focuses on the problem of sound radiation of a time harmonically vibrating
rectangular piston embedded into one of two baffles configured spatially as the two wall corner.
The sound radiation pressure and sound radiation power, active and reactive, have been
presented as their Fourier representations using the Green’s function. The directivity pattern
has been expressed in terms of some elementary functions whereas the radiation efficiency has
been expressed as a low frequency approximation. The elementary formulas obtained make
it possible to clearly interpret the influence of the baffles of two wall corner on the sound
radiation of the piston.
rectangular piston embedded into one of two baffles configured spatially as the two wall corner.
The sound radiation pressure and sound radiation power, active and reactive, have been
presented as their Fourier representations using the Green’s function. The directivity pattern
has been expressed in terms of some elementary functions whereas the radiation efficiency has
been expressed as a low frequency approximation. The elementary formulas obtained make
it possible to clearly interpret the influence of the baffles of two wall corner on the sound
radiation of the piston.
modal and total radiation efficiency, sound radiation, sound pressure, sound power.
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