Archives of Acoustics,
7, 2, pp. 155-162, 1982
The analysis of surface wave propagation in a crystal with a monoclinic structure
The present work analyzes surface wave propagation of the Rayleigh type in a monoclinic system. The problem was considered fora TGS crystal. Surface wave propagation was examined in the following planes: (010) in the <100>, <001> directions and in some chosen directions forming angles 20°, 40°, 60°, 130°, 150°, 170°, 180° corresponding to the <100> direction, (100) in <010>, <001> directions, and (001) in <100> and <010> directions. The above analysis was made using an electronic computation technique. As a result of our calcu¬lations we have found that surface waves cannot propagate along <100> and <001> directions in the planes (001) and (100) respectively. These directions are perpendicular to the axes of symmetry and they do not lie in the (010) plane.
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