Archives of Acoustics,
29, 2, pp. , 2004
Active noise control methods in Poland
The article presents the development and selected uses of
methods of active noise reduction in Poland: from the first theoretical studies
of Prof. Wojciech Rubinowicz to the latest study with the use of neural
networks. The article discusses the principles of active compensation of sound.
It also presents the results of Polish research centres' work on the use of
active systems for reducing noise in ducts, power transformers: noise and to
improve hearing protectors parameters.
methods of active noise reduction in Poland: from the first theoretical studies
of Prof. Wojciech Rubinowicz to the latest study with the use of neural
networks. The article discusses the principles of active compensation of sound.
It also presents the results of Polish research centres' work on the use of
active systems for reducing noise in ducts, power transformers: noise and to
improve hearing protectors parameters.
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