Archives of Acoustics, 33, 1, pp. 87–91, 2008

Implementation of dynamic range controller on digital signal processor

Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Radioelectronics

The aim of this work was to build a real time digital range controller which could be used in the radio and television recording and broadcasting studios. The main purpose of the system is to change the dynamic range of an audio signal in a predefined way without introducing perceptible distortions, what guarantees an optimal use of the overall available dynamic range of an audio system. As a processor, the ADSP-21065L digital signal processor manufactured by Analog Devices was used. An input/output digital audio signal interface was designed and constructed using Atmega8L microcontroller manufactured by Atmel and FPGA device. The characteristics of the dynamic range controller were performed.
Keywords: dynamic range control, limiter, compressor, expander, noise gate, digital signal processing
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