Archives of Acoustics, 33, 4(S), pp. 91–98, 2008

Selective Mixing of a Symphonic Orchestra Recording


The selective method of mixing of sounds, developed by the author, has been applied to
a multitrack recording of a symphonic orchestra. This method, still under development, offers
a slight increase in the perceived clarity of recordings when compared to normal mixing.
Fifteen stereophonic tracks of a symphonic orchestra recording have been processed. At first,
the algorithm used earlier by the author for the recordings consisting of five and six tracks was
used. After considering the remarks of listeners of informal listening tests, two modifications
of that algorithm, specific for the recordings of a symphonic orchestra, have been introduced.
Both modifications consisted in specific processing of selected groups of the tracks. During the
final listening test, 32 untrained listeners compared the normal mix with the basic algorithm
and with the two advanced algorithms of selective mixing. The advanced algorithms worked
better than the basic one, indicating the direction for further improvement.
Keywords: audio signal processing, psychoacoustics
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