Archives of Acoustics, 37, 4, pp. 483–488, 2012

Measurements of the Sound Absorption Coefficient of Auditorium Seats for Various Geometries of the Samples

Jarosław RUBACHA
AGH University of Science and Technology

AGH University of Science and Technology

AGH University of Science and Technology

This paper presents the results of measurements of the sound absorption coefficient of auditorium
seats carried out in the laboratory using two methods. In the first one, small blocks of seats in various
arrangements were studied in a reverberation chamber to determine the absorption coefficient of an
auditorium of infinite dimensions. The results were compared to the values of the absorption coefficient
measured using the second method, which involved samples enclosed within a frame screening the side
surfaces of other auditorium blocks. The results of both methods allowed for the assessment of the sound
absorption coefficient of an auditorium of any dimensions while taking into account the sound absorption
by the side surfaces. The method developed by the authors will simplify the currently known measurement
Keywords: sound absorption; room acoustics; modelling of acoustic parameters
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