Archives of Acoustics,
31, 4(S), pp. 171-176, 2006
Experimental comparison between speech transmission index (STI) and mean opinion scores (MOS) in rooms
Two methods for assessment of speech quality in rooms were compared: the speech transmission
index (STI) and mean opinion scores (MOS). Subjective and objective measurements
were carried out in two rooms for different signal to noise ratio within a range from −15 dBA
to +15 dBA. The obtained results are shown as a curve describing a relation between a MOS,
STI and signal to noise ratio (S/N).
index (STI) and mean opinion scores (MOS). Subjective and objective measurements
were carried out in two rooms for different signal to noise ratio within a range from −15 dBA
to +15 dBA. The obtained results are shown as a curve describing a relation between a MOS,
STI and signal to noise ratio (S/N).
speech quality, STI, room acoustic.
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